Get Involved
IOI is powered by a group of more than 25 volunteers. These volunteers are the heartbeat of our organization and are our greatest strength, enabling us to reach a large audience at minimal cost. We are committed to attracting teachers from diverse backgrounds. Our teachers are experienced meditators trained in a variety of traditions.
Facilitator Volunteer FAQ
our responses to your frequently asked questions
ways to contribute your expertise
your opportunity to make a financial contribution to IOI
“It seems impossible, until it is done.
Our Facilitators
Alistair Bell
Uday Bhaskar
Russell Evans
Catherine Flanagan
Elise Fulstone
Piper Hendricks
Ikeita Cantu Hinojosa
Lindsey Keck
Peter Kovach
Laryssa Kundanmal
Nathalia Peixoto
Danuta Otfinowski
Scott Provinse
Julie Salverian
Carolyn Stachowski
Mark Stone
Sheryl Stratton
“To give is non-attachment, that is just not to attach to anything is to give.”