Values and Ethics
The mindfulness practices we teach are informed by the teachings of Buddhist psychology, but IOI is not formally a Buddhist or other religious organization. Rather, as mindfulness practices have integrated into Western culture, the basics of mindfulness can be taught in a secular and science-based format, using methods that have proven clinical benefits. Our teachers use sitting meditation, walking meditation, open-focus techniques, body-centered inquiry, breathing exercises, yoga, and qigong, among other techniques, as methods to help our students gain clarity, insight, and compassion.
Our work is only possible from the support of our qualified, compassionate teachers, who see their work as essential to the greater good, and whose own practices are deepened by their encounters with students. We hope that you will be inspired to get involved, whether by donating, volunteering, pointing us to other places where these teachings would be useful, or just simply by spreading the word.
The IOI values have been generated by the entire IOI Sangha to guide us all as we work together to accomplish our mission.
We enact these values in how we treat our student/class participants, each other, host institutions, funders and supporters.
We are truthful in all of our interactions and operate with deep integrity.
We seek to be honest with ourselves and authentic with others. Our words and actions are aligned.
We perceive the innate worth and equality in all. We operate within the rules of the institutions where we volunteer and comply with requests from those in positions of authority.
We are aware of our position as teachers as authority figures and seek to engage students to facilitate conversations. We do not dominate or talk over others.
We can be counted on to show up for our commitments, be prepared and do our best to meet the needs of our students, co-teachers and host institutions.
We seek to suspend judgments so we can appreciate other’s perspectives when they are different from our own.
We listen deeply and validate the thoughts and feelings of others. We are patient with others.
Continuous Learning
We give/receive positive and constructive feedback to/from fellow teachers and our Teaching Director.
We commit to continuous improvement in our teaching. We co-teach when possible to learn from each other.
Value Diversity
We value diverse perspectives and value all individuals equally regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, socio-economic status or other dimension. of diversity.
We seek to understand ourselves and others so we may more fully enact that value. We are anti-racist in words and actions.
We know we don’t have all the answers and are eager to learn from others.
We feel safe admitting when we don’t know or when we have regrets. We are real.