


IOI provided a total of 530 classes during 2024 for a total of 4,876 student hours of mindfulness instruction. The number of students taught has been on an upward trend for several years. The gender breakdown is three quarters male and one quarter female. The breakdown of student hours by community category is: 76 percent incarcerated, 6 percent returning citizens, and 17 percent people transitioning from homelessness, recovering from substance abuse and others.





IOI finances are overseen by the Board of Directors with the assistance of the Treasurer. IOI is generously supported by individual donations. Our main expenditures are for the Program Director, Fellows, media consultant; reserves; training; events, and supplies. Our budgets are available upon request.

We depend on support from donors like you to fulfill our mission.

Please make a contribution today to sustain Insight on the Inside and those we serve.

Insight on the Inside, Inc. is tax-exempt under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and qualifies as public charity under Sec. 509(a)(2). Your donation is tax deductible.